Interchange for Schedulers and Traders
Are you responsible for purchasing, selling, or scheduling energy? Do you understand how to do your job but not why? Then this hands-on class is for you! Unlike traditional lectures that just show you how to do your job, this class takes an interactive approach to teach you WHY.
The class begins with a tagging discussion teaching students what’s required in tagging, and how a BA uses tags. You will learn the history of interchange and how schedules affect the power grid, and instructors will provide a comprehensive view of how interchange schedules are used in the day to day operations of the electric power grid. Each student team will have access to a laptop with a simulator and PCI tagging software to work simulations throughout the class. Using the generic simulator, you will learn how interchange schedules (tags) affect ACE and transmission lines. Instructors will also discuss customized transmission line loading relief (TLRs in the east, Unscheduled Flow in the west).
Each Student receives 16 CEH
(EOPS 0, Simulation 0, Standards 0, Professional Related 0)
$700.00 per student