System Protection for Operators - 1 day
This class is 8 hours on System protection, starting with a discussion on the basic theory of protection, followed by explanation of the relays used to achieve basic protection. This class is designed specifically for System Operators.
In this one day class we will cover the most common relays on the bulk electric system. We will talk about how the relays work, what the relays need as input devices and common uses of various relays.
We will utilized a simulator to reinforce concepts associated with the relays. We will cover how to read relay prints, and how and the why an operator may need to read a relay print. This class will also focus on how the operator troubleshoots and determines the cause of a relay action. Exercises will simulate faults on transmission lines, transformers, busses, generators and other trouble items then allow the students to practice trouble shooting and utilize realistic target information that the operator may receive from the field to determine an action plan to resolve problems.
Each Student receives 8 CEH
(EOPS 8, Simulation 4, Standards 4, Professional Related 8)
$400.00 per student